Monday, May 24, 2010

Fire and Forget

A friend of mine once said that there is no such thing as fire and forget. There is a reaction to every act that we perform. Good, bad, evil, divine - there is always a reaction. And the action reaction may not necessarily follow a rule. Good may not necessarily spawn good , or bad reaction to a bad action. The only rule that it does follow is that there is a reaction. The comment was not made in the heat of a philosophical discussion. It was made when he was bidding goodbye to his girlfriend the last time he met her before she got married. Yes it was sad and all that but that was one heck of a line.

Now, the reason I brought it up - life these days seems to be a series of full circles. I am not sure that line makes much sense . But a lot of things that were set in motion a decade ago seems to be coming back to me now, limping towards a conclusion. It wouldn't have mattered either ways . But there it is - on your face, demanding a 'period'. I do not want to sound like Ayn Rand or Virginia Woolfe . I would explain. Expressions of gratitude from people I have supposedly helped long ago, demands for explanation for ignoring people I have not seen in ages, almost like stumbling into places just so that stories left hanging so far reach their logical end.

And in a way, the time between the action and reaction is good, a matured view on things is helping me sort it out in a way that would not have been possible a decade ago.. Hmm, that philosophy also has an impact on any future action. Always driven by the thoughts of possible reactions. Gone are the carefree , devil may care way of doing things .. :)

New perspective for this decade of ma life!

Listening to 'Robert D Niro's waiting.. talking Italian'


Scorpio said...

I liked this post the most so far.

Hazel said...

Thanks ET...a real compliment coming my way from my biggest critic... a great start to the day..:)