Thursday, July 01, 2010

Kick the ball

Letting the imp out with that title! *grins*

Have been away from blogdom for a while now. the graph has plateaued down these days. Call it the 'daal chaval' days. Watching life in 2D - The soccer world cup, Wimbledon and then there is cricket where India seems to have added yet another insignificant cup (?!) to their collection. And since TV has taken over all my spare time, I have nothing to say...

On second thoughts , there are a few things in no particular order...

1) It was a week when I had to visit 3 different banks on the same day .And no, I have not changed my profession. It did make me wish for a trip to another planet though.

2) Visited Firangi Pani. Hmmm......Hmmmmm....Hmmmmmmmm...

3) Have started writing a diary the good old way again. And enjoying it . Especially drawing those smileys on the edges.

4) Just realised I have a thing for vampire human love stories - Is that even normal???

5) Was talking to a friend with problems and people around me asked if I was alright ..WTH???

6) Saving the most unladylike comment for the last - The strange fascination of the Williams sisters for public display of outlandish UGs . Somebody stop em , for heaven's sake.

And I almost typed 'Regards, N'.



Akshay said...

yeaaa (hysterically) shes back!!! :D
ok i agonize over this - Why is that twi(p)light become so famous..wasso great huh?! huh?!?! and yes it is - all women are swooning...mebbe you should try 'van helsing' as well - it is an authoritative study in vampire mating habits :)

Hazel said...

lol.. :) ty ty for the welcome :P
and akshay .. I wasnt talking abt twilight alone .. :D .. there is the other one too ..the vampire diaries..hehe ...and yes i will take ur suggestion on 'van helsing'...

Hazel said...

and as to your other question on why women like vampire stories... hmm the classic story of ppl liking the bad boys .. :) and its doesnt hurt when the bad boys are cute too :P