Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Lady Da Vinci

Standing by the window ..
Searching for visions in the past ..
was a maiden in white

Pouring a memory on to the easel
Quill in hand .. and wrinkle on the forehead
she brushed away the sleep
of the night ..

As she set poetry in motion...
The lake and the mountain held no allure ..
Nor the faces and the sounds closeby

Unaware of the moonlight kissing her cheeks
or the wind raising her hair in a symphony
the colours convulsed in an unrestrained orgy
The strokes ended as the night eased by..

She stood back to look
to watch for the first time
a slice of the past
imprisoned for the future..

A smile later she walked away ..
searching for more captives of her past


Pixie said...

good one...

I loved the lines -
"Unaware of the moonlight kissing her cheeks
or the wind raising her hair in a symphony
the colours convulsed in an unrestrained orgy
The strokes ended as the night eased by.."

You are extremely poetic! :)

Hazel said...

;).. well.,.. inspiration from real life actually .... na not me .. I can hardly hold a brush ..