Thursday, January 07, 2010

Change of state ...

An article in today's newspaper read ' tribals being reconverted'. Goes with out saying they were given a taste for something else and then someone else wanted them back. I guess providing basic education, health care , eliminating poverty are out of fashion fads now. Why else would people be interested in something as personal as faith or beliefs? I am not interested in what TV channel my neighbour watches (unless his volume control button is broken). Of course if we watch the same reality shows, we would have something to make small talk over. So why are people so preoccupied in something as abstract as Him, that too when when no one even know is he exists or if he even cares about how many followers He has. And if He had a problem with the other Him , I am sure he is quite capable of fighting his own battles. If he does exist, he must be having a good laugh over the circus being enacted on this plane.

N then one thing leads to another and the circus becomes bigger , larger, meaner. Is there anything that would teach us to mind our own business and let people be ? Technological advancements, cultural and industrial revolutions have not taught us that, not yet atleast. Perhaps what differentiates us from the rest of the animal kingdom, apart from our supposedly high IQ, our lack of uniformity (relatively) is intimidating. It could be a combination of both too. And if coercing some one to conform doesn't work, force is step two. Hence if you see someone the road with a white shirt when you are wearing red, paint him red , easy ?

Na, easy would to be to live, learn, enjoy the differences. Easy would be to have choices. Easy would be a place where everyone is content . But does it not sound as dull as - Heaven ?


Scorpio said...

While "Him" is abstract...I would think that Heaven would be abstract too!!! So how are you able to describe it??? ;)

Hazel said...

The intention of the blog was not to 'describe' heaven. :)..

Also, everyone has an interpretation of the abstract too ? For me heaven does not necessarily mean His abode, just utopia where everything is perfect.

Scorpio said...

But then you equated heaven to being dull!!! ;)

Of course...I know what the intention of the blog was/is...BUT... there is no fun in just accepting it, right? :)