Monday, January 25, 2010

Spin a yarn... a km long...

Was telling Pixie the story of the story teller at work yesterday . And yes, when someone starts spinning the bundle at work, it usually means , you are in for a useless conversation.A long winding conversation which is designed to confuse rather than communicate.

I have never been able to understand the need for twisting sentences. Its so much easier to just say things the way they are . Something is either right or wrong. It is not right because of A , B or C . Simple!. Why would someone want to bring the rest of the alphabet into it ? I can understand it if the speaker is not articulate enough. But that is not the case in this instance. Its deceit.

Deceit .

And its intended to waste some one's time .. Now , That is a crime.

And a crime always invites a punishment, In this case , it was a snub.


Pixie said...

That's a new way of looking at it...
never thought of it as Deceit till now..


Hazel said...


Scorpio said...

>>And its intended to waste some one's time .. Now , That is a crime.
And a crime always invites a punishment,..

So, this is the origin of the phrase "doing time"!!! ;)

Hazel said...

hmm... look who has dropped by .. :P