Tuesday, February 16, 2010


An empty title , staring at the blank notepad hoping for words to magically appear , waiting for my mind to translate some of the restless background chatter into something I can write about...Something different , something ordinary, something happy, something nice .. Hmm.. something like a Kulfi!

Kulfi is one of my inanimate 'Ranchos' - the happy thought trigger. A fairly new one at that . The cold sweet that refuses to melt fast enough for me to gobble it up fast. ?(and addictive as Farmville)...

Another one would be a library, one where the computers are away from sight. Just books and comfie coaches inviting people to lounge on them for hours together, piles of books . Not a very crowded one . Wooden floors with sunlight pouring through the huge windows - warm and cozy. Oh its not a figment of my imagination . I have known a library like that . Perfect, isn't it?

Hmm.. Not bad . Looks like happy thoughts are flowing again but sigh, time to hit the sack, there is a bus to catch at an ungodly hour!



Scorpio said...


Waiting for a comment to magically appear! ;)

If only there was an easier way to access and decode the background chatter of the subconscious mind! Oh well! hmmm...until then kulfi can keep you occupied and i will find something else to keep me occupied...

Hazel said...

hmm.. yeah yeah ...glad u brought UR ego with you in here too! :p

Scorpio said...

Of course! its my original ET! ;)

Hazel said...
