And its done. Finito! The thing that has kept me awake for a while is over. I sure had fun while at it but 40 winks was literally what I was getting at night. And the end result ? I see pillows floating around everywhere! So after eight hours of zzz time, I am chirpy as a well fed bird today(hmm.. well fed cat sounds better, but then they are lazy!). Simple pleasures in life - sleep and potato chips.. :)
Have I not read somewhere that the Nazi prince survived on 4 hours of sleep everyday ?Wonder how a heart attack never claimed him. The world would have been spared of a world war.
I am not big on losing sleep over anything - work, studies or good old stress, A cranky me is not in the best interests of mankind. Moreover, after one of my colleagues died , possibly due to insomnia and 'workaholism'', I am paranoid..and well I love my beauty sleep :D , lets not make any excuses :-)
Have been adding sentences to this post since morning and the mood has dipped from chirpy to weary..
Oh by the way , the guy up there does seem to be in a very benevolent mood . After that grump story about creativity, there was an announcement about a workshop on creativity ( at work) and well,yours truly , has promptly got herself nominated. Not sure, if its going to bring creativity any closer to work, but it would definitely keep work away from me for a day :-)
And while he is such a good mood, may be I should be asking for that holiday in the Venice that I dream about!
P.S : Trivia time - Hitler died the day after his wedding . Something in common with Romeo and Juliet ? :-)
Cant seem to stop today - A song from Sathiya is following me today. Just when I was done listening to it on my mobile, its being played on the radio.. :) 'Aye udi udi udi'
Hmmm...that is something! They are gonna tell you...how to be creative?!?!? I will be waiting to hear what they had to say! :)
But still...the timing is uncanny! If I don't see more posts from you, I will assume that you are in venice!
hmm.. yeah .. how to unleash the inner creative u .. :)
I loved the Gravatar pic!!
And good for you - hope you have a great time at the workshop and the creativity within you is unleashed. :)
:) thanks.
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